Björn Bartling, Vanessa Valero, Roberto A. Weber. 2024. “The causal effect of income on market social responsibility,” revise and resubmit, Economic Journal.

Shimon Kogan, Florian H. Schneider and Roberto A. Weber, 2021. “Self-serving biases in beliefs about collective outcomes,” revise and resubmit, Games and Economic Behavior.

Anne Ardila Brenøe, Zeynep Eyibak, Lea Heursen, Eva Ranehill and Roberto A. Weber, 2024. “Gender identity and economic decision making.

Pol Campos-Mercade, Armando Meier, Florian H. Schneider and Roberto A. Weber, 2024. “What money shouldn’t buy: Aversion to monetary incentives for health behaviors.”

Alexander L. Davis, Nadja Jehli, John H. Miller, Roberto A. Weber. 2024. “Generosity across contexts.”

Roberto A. Weber and Sili Zhang. 2023. “What money can buy: How market exchange promotes values.”

Lea Heursen, Eva Ranehill and Roberto A. Weber. 2021. “Are women less effective leaders than men? Evidence from experiments using coordination games.”